Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Top 10 Ways to Make Your Website Sell 24/7

I've spent more hours that I care to count attending networking functions, and I continue to be amazed at all the people I meet who don't have a website. Many entrepreneurs love what they do but hate marketing and selling themselves. A well-written website is one of the most effective tools at your disposal that will sell for you 24/7, provided you have written compelling copy for the site.

Here are ten ways to make your website your unpaid sales force:

1. Networking.
A website permits you to pass out your business card to thousands of potential clients and lets them know how to reach you and what you sell. If, in your sales copy, you tell your story of why you're in your business, write a bio that accurately reflects your voice and style for your site, and upload your photo, your potential customers will begin to get to know you, without having to meet them one-on-one. Nothing is more amazing to me that to walk into a networking event and have total strangers come up and begin a conversation with me as though we were long-lost friends. They think we are. Why? Because they've visited my website or read my email newsletter or blog to the extent they have begun to get to know me, like me, and respect me.

2. Make Business Information Available.
Help your customers find out more about you...(Read More)

Monday, April 03, 2006

Provide a Value-Added Service to Appease the Google Gods

Every once in a while I stumble across some very interesting information. This happened to me this week and I thought that I would share with you what I have found. If you are interested in improving your google search engine rankings and your page rank you must make sure that you are doing exactly what Google wants you to do. As you probably know already, Google is the largest search engine on the Internet. To receive a high ranking from Google means that you will generate huge amounts of traffic to your website. People are always searching for ways to improve their search engine rankings and ways to appease the Google Gods.

One of the primary things that Google and its algorithms look at is whether or not you are providing a "value-added service". Now that we know this we need to figure out exactly what Google means by the term "value-added service". A value-added service is one that can stand on its own merits. By this I mean that the website is not simply a redirecting website. The website contains information that offers value to the reader. Many people use websites that are what Google refers to as a "sneaky redirect". That means that when a user goes to that site, he or she is simply sent elsewhere. A sneaky redirect is not a value-added service by Google standards. In fact, if you operated websites that are simply redirecting people to other sites, Google will actually deem your site as being "offensive".

Another way to determine if you are offering a value-added service according to Google is to ask yourself...(Read More)

Personal Freedom Through Internet Business

After 23 year of corporate life and 9 years of working as a manager for a state funded insurance company service was like some many before me laid off from my job. But unlike many others I knew the lay-off was an important turning point in my life. A big picture person I realized that most people in the organization I had just left could not or would not see things the way he did. On many occasions I would express what I thought was good money making idea only to have these people of limited dreams laugh in my face. Many times I would read about these same ideas 3 to 5 years later as the next big money makers.

It was obvious that my thoughts, concepts and dreams could not be fully expressed in the corporate world of honey bee (or should I say African killer Bee) like drones who could not between the lot of them come up with an original idea unless the boss asked them to. These people whose greatest desire was to go on vacation for two weeks a year when the boss said they could. Would not ever be able to understand who I was or what I was about. I don’t know how I made it through 23 years of dealing with them and not go crazy.

When he was told about the layoff unlike many others I was not angry, a sigh of relief came over me that I had not felt for years. With in two weeks I had lost the few (30) pounds that I gained during my stay and so many of the act and pains that I once had were gone. My next step was to find a way to make some money, and the internet seemed to be the perfect place for me.
Now whenever you take on any life changing endeavors you need support. I thought I had the support of my wife, but she had only known the years of stability that I had with the job...(Read More)